Small-group tours are offered for symposium attendees. Group size is limited so early signups are important to ensure that you can participate. Note that extensive walking, standing, and stair-climbing are required. Please complete and mail the tours registration form with check made to "NAWCC", to Bob Frishman, 53 Poor St., Andover MA 01810.
Thursday, October 7, 9:30 a.m. Independence National Historical Park. No charge but please sign up ONLY if you are committing to participate so that you do not waste a spot. Group size is limited to 32 people. FULL - JOIN WAIT LIST.
Special tour with Karie Diethorn, Chief Curator, including viewings of two Stretch clocks and the Isaiah Lukens clock in the Second Bank following a ranger-led tour of Independence Hall. Lukens scholar (and descendant) Elizabeth Fox will give a brief presentation on her ancestor.
At 9:15, meet Curator Karie Diethorn in the garden encircled by a wrought iron fence and containing a large bronze statue of a colonial figure on the southeast corner of 5th and Chestnut (the site is called "The Signer's Garden"). She will distribute the tour tickets and then we will cross the street and queue up for security screening.
At around 11:30 will be a special visit nearby arranged at The Athenaeum of Philadelphia described in the link below.
ALERTS! There are NO restrooms near Independence Hall. There are NO elevators in either Independence Hall or Second Bank; access to both buildings' second floors is by extensive stair-climbing. Our special tours in each location will be brief and on a strict schedule, so please be prepared to stay with your group and not cause any delays. We will be divided into smaller groups of 16 each, due to COVID restrictions. You may be asked to wait some minutes until your group's tour begins. For the same reason, the entire group again will be divided at the Second Bank and at the Philadelphia Athenaeum.
Thursday, October 7, 2 p.m. Rittenhouse Clock and Orrery, Drexel University and U. Penn. $15 per person, limit 30 people. Meet at Drexel's Paul Peck Alumni Center at 32nd and Market Streets in the Frank Furness building, approximately 3 miles from the symposium venue. Travel there independently by taxi or ride-share.Rittenhouse expert and symposium speaker Frank Hohmann (see his photo on the Bios page) will lead our tour of these outstanding machines made by Philadelphia's premier Colonial horologist and patriot.
ALERT!Please arrive no later than 1:45 so the tour can begin on time. Please conclude your visit by 4 p.m. in order to be on time for the start of the symposium program at 5 p.m. in Franklin Hall; doors open there at 4:30.
- OR -
Thursday, October 7, 2 p.m. Clocks at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. $25 limit 20 people. FULL - JOINT WAIT LIST.
PMA Curator of American Decorative Arts Alexandra Kirtley will join independent clock scholar Gary Sullivan (see his photo on the Bios page) for a special tour of the museum's important clocks presently on view in this world-class institution, approximately 3 miles from the symposium venue. Travel there independently by taxi or ride-share. At the main building, enter and exit through the West entrance on Anne d’Harnoncourt (Art Museum) Drive. (The East entrance, at the top of the "Rocky" steps of Eakins Oval, is closed.). You will receive your admission tickets there from Gary.
ALERT! Please arrive no later than 1:45 so the tour can begin on time. Please conclude your visit by 4 p.m. in order to be on time for the start of the symposium program at 5 p.m. in Franklin Hall; doors open there at 4:30.
Sunday, October 10, 8:30 a.m. All-Day Bus Tour to Columbia and Lancaster. $125 all-inclusive for two meals, museum admissions, presentations, and round-trip coach transportation. Limit 30 people.
Meet outside at 8:15 a.m. at Marriott Old City Hotel to board bus. Arrive 10 a.m. at NAWCC for a special symposium-theme tour of museum. 12 p.m. Buffet lunch at John Wright's Restaurant in Wrightsville. 2:30 p.m. special tours of Rock Ford Historic Site and its extensive collection of important tall clocks. Antique furniture expert, restorer, and conservator Alan Andersen will discuss some of the clock cases on view, and clockmaker Bob Desrochers will describe his work on several of the early movements. We also will be joined by Stu VanOrmer who created an amazing oversize clock and movement on display in the gallery. 5:30 p.m. catered buffet dinner at Rock Ford. Return by 9 p.m. to downtown Philadelphia. Presentation on bus by Elizabeth Fox about her Philadelphia clockmaker ancestor, Isaiah Lukens.

1967 Horological Tours of Philadelphia by James Gibbs
The NAWCC's Silver Jubilee Convention was held in Philadelphia in June 1968. As part of the buildup to that milestone event, James Gibbs prepared a four-part series of articles -- "A Horological Tour of Philadelphia" -- that was published in the NAWCC Bulletin during 1967. Most of what he covered in much detail still can be visited and viewed. Please read these in-depth articles for a preview of your horological time in Philadelphia.
Horological Tour of Philadelphia - Part 1
Horological Tour of Philadelphia - Part 2
Horological Tour of Philadelphia - Part 3
Horological Tour of Philadelphia - Part 4
Click here for details about Thursday morning's special tour of The Athenaeum of Philadelphia.

Just some of the thirty-plus early hand-crafted Pennsylvania tall clocks you will enjoy during our afternoon in Lancaster at this historic site's restored barn gallery.
Rittenhouse at Drexel

Rittenhouse Orrery

Independence Hall

Rock Ford Plantation. Movement signed by Martin Shreiner, No.90.

Rock Ford Plantation. Case attributed to workshop of Emmanuel Deyer, movement signed by Jacob Eby.

Rock Ford Plantation. Painted dial signed by George Fisher, case bears stamp of cabinetmaker Michael Stoner.