(see "Bios" page for more speaker information)
JAMES ARTHUR LECTURE - Sara Schechner “Sundials and Clocks behind Enemy Lines.” David P. Wheatland Curator, Collection of Historical Scientific Instruments, CHSI, Harvard University
Mary Jane Dapkus “American Clock Making and Revolutionary Freemasonry”. Independent scholar and author specializing in the history of early American clock making.
Damon DiMauro "The Mullikens: Eyewitnesses to a Revolution." Professor in the Department of English, Languages & Linguistics at Gordon College, author of articles on early-American horology.
Walter H. "Sunny" Dzik, M.D. "Engraving on English Table Clocks: Art on a Canvas of Brass 1660-1800". Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School and a practicing physician at Massachusetts General Hospital. Author of a book on the theme of his talk.
Don Fennimore "David Rittenhouse." Co-author of two recent definitive books on the Stretch and Claggett families of clockmakers. An upcoming book focuses on the Rittenhouse brothers and their clocks.
Bruce R. Forman “The Achievements of Benjamin Rittenhouse, Colonial Clockmaker”. Independent scholar and author on many important aspects of early American horology.
Elizabeth Fox "Isaiah Lukens, Philadelphia Clockmaker" (on the add-on tours). Curatorial assistant of American Art at the Worcester Art Museum, Worcester, Massachusetts.
Don H. Hagist "Timekeeping in the British Army during the American Revolution". Managing editor of Journal of the American Revolution and author of British Soldiers, American War.
Frank Hohmann “Rittenhouse Orreries”. Co-author of two recent definitive books on the Stretch and Claggett families of clockmakers. An upcoming book focuses on the Rittenhouse brothers and their clocks.
Charles F. Hummel “Nathaniel Dominy IV (1737-1812) East Hampton, N.Y. - Patriot, clockmaker, and watch repairer." Senior Deputy Director of Winterthur Museum [retired, 1991].
David Lindow “Restoration of Rittenhouse and Duffield Movements”. Crafts and restores mechanical clock movements, and is a specialist in ornamental turning, at Lindow Clock Works.
Rich Newman "Early American Watchmakers; Robert Leslie of Philadelphia”. Colonial & Early-American Horologist. Chair of the NAWCC Board of Directors, author of numerous articles on clocks and watches, host of colonialwatches.com, a research website devoted to colonial and early American watchmakers.
Steve Petrucelli “Perspectives in Colonial Clock Making in New Jersey”. Director, Adams Brown Company, Cranbury, New Jersey.
Patrick Spero “Welcome to American Philosophical Society and its Horological Holdings”. Librarian and Director, American Philosophical Society Library APS, Philadelphia.
Scott Stephenson “Welcome to Museum, Lord Cornwallis Watch”. CEO and former Vice President of Collections, Exhibitions, and Programming of the Museum of the American Revolution M*AR, Philadelphia.
Christopher Storb “Clock Case Making in Colonial Philadelphia”. Philadelphia-based furniture conservator, a historian of historical woodworking, and an educator.
Gary Sullivan “Tour of the Clocks at the Philadelphia Museum of Art”. “Connecticut Clockmaking During the American Revolution and Beyond”. American decorative arts scholar, author, dealer and curator, Gary Sullivan Antiques.